Qualification requirements for quote submissions this time are as follows.

  • 省エネルギーセンター取引先として、101の区分で登録済のもの
    Business operators registered in the division of 101 as ECCJ business partners.
  • 当該年度に有効な国の全省庁統一競争参加資格を有する事業者
    Business operators with the uniform competition participation qualification for all ministries/agencies of Japan valid for this year.
  • 見積り提出にあたって省エネセンターの取引先新規登録に必要とする提出書類を同時に提出するもの
    Business operator who submits documents required for the new registration in ECCJ simultaneously with quote submission.
All this work will be conducted using English.

  1. 見積依頼名称
    Research on EC Guideline implementation in Indian industrial sector
  2. 見積依頼の内容 Requirement for bidding
    2.1) 事業仕様 Specifications
    As per the Inquiry Specifications (No. 378-190717-0)
    2.2) 事業履行(納入)期限 Required date of completion
    February 28th, 2020 (Friday)
    2.3) 事業履行(成果物納入)場所 Places of the project implementation and submission of output document
    Refer to attached "Inquiry Specification" (Specification Number:378-190717-0)
  3. 契約方式:総価請負契約(円建) Lump-Sum Contract (in Japanese Yen)
    The contract shall be concluded in Japanese yen between successful Bidder and ECCJ. When bidding in US Dollar, the total amount of contract shall be also calculated by 110JPY/USD. In case that the foreign exchange loss be occurred, ECCJ shall not bear it.
  4. 見積時の注意事項 Requirements for bidding
    提案仕様書・見積書の内訳は、一式との記載は使用しないで、必ず具体的な 数量を記載すること。
    The bidder shall provide the proposal including specific numbers / amounts for quotation / specification, in accordance with the requirement specified in the inquiry specifications.
    BIDDER shall quote in US dollars or Japanese yen. When evaluating BIDDER’s proposal, the exchange rate between Japanese Yen and US Dollar of a hundred and ten JPY per one USD (110 JPY/USD) will be applied in accordance with Japanese governmental regulation for accounting officer arti.
    The quoted price shall be the integer US Dollar of Japanese Yen unit and a total amount with breakdown of VAT (with clarification of tax rate) if applied.
    Estimates item of consumption tax is not taxable in the provision of services abroad shall be the estimated amount that does not include the consumption tax.
    見積書の宛先は一般財団法人省エネルギーセンターとし、部課名・担当者名は 記載しないこと。
    The mail to send the proposal shall be addressed to The Energy Conservation Center, Japan with no name of a person in charge. (Address is written in the inquiry specifications.)
    The proposal including the price quotation shall be two(2) sets of originals with signatures by a person responsible for bidding.
    Two (2) sets of original proposals shall be contained in one envelop where the number and name of the inquiry specifications and name of your company/organization are clearly written.
    Any costs and fee required for tendering shall be borne by the bidder.
  5. 見積時の提出物及び提出部数 Documents to be submitted / required number of sets
    5.1) 提案仕様書・見積書 正副各1部 Proposal including cost estimation sheets : Two originals
    5.2) 説明資料及び工程表 2部 Information and data for evaluation
    別添の「評価項目」にしたがって、貴社対応についての 説明を、具体的かつ詳細に記述した説明資料および工程表を提出のこと。
    In accordance with the "Evaluation Form", the bidder shall provide us with the information and data required for evaluation with use of the forms including descriptions and work schedule. The bidder shall submit 2 sets of the fulfilled forms together with the original proposals specified in 5.1) above to ECCJ.
    Copy of "qualification evaluation result notification letter (all ministries/agencies uniform qualification)"
    It is not necessary when the business operator is registered already as ECCJ business partner or submits documents to ECCJ for new registration as a business partner.
  6. 見積書等の提出方法 Requirement for submission of the proposal
    6.1) 送付の場合は、以下宛に2019年8月5日 午後3時までに到着するよう送付下さい。
    Two sets of original proposals and the fulfilled evaluation forms shall be sent by courier or airmail and shall be received by ECCJ by 15:00 in Japan time on August 5th, 2019.

    〒108-0023 東京都港区芝浦2-11-5
    一般財団法人 省エネルギーセンター 総務部 見積依頼係
    Procurement Section, Administration Department
    The Energy Conservation Center, Japan
    2-11-5, Shibaura, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan 108-0023
    6.2) 持参の場合は、当センター本部5階入口左側の見積書受付箱に期限までに投函下さい。 投函に際しては、総務担当者に連絡の必要はありません。
    In case of direct carrying, please contain in the receiving box situated nearby the entrance of office on the 5th floor of ECCJ. In this case, it is not necessary to contact a person in charge from the Administration Department.
  7. 本件問合先 Contact details for inquiries
  8. 見積書等の提出期限 Due date
    Receipt by The Energy Conservation Center, Japan by 15:00 in Japan time on August 5th, 2019 (Monday)
  9. 添付ファイル Attachment
    仕様書および評価項目および配点 Inquiry specifications & Evaluation Form
    inquiry-specification_378-190717-0 (pdf)
  10. 採択等の連絡 Information on results of bidding
    The only customer there was a submission of a quotation, etc., We inform you by e-mail the successful bidder and the contracted price.
  11. 取引先登録内容の変更 Change in data for registration
    取引先登録内容に変更がある場合には、 当サイトの取引先登録 https://www.eccj.or.jp/firm/index.html の「3.取引先登録内容変更」で手続をして下さい。
    In case that there are any changes in data for registration, please change on the website by accessing Item 3 "Change in Registration" in the site of "Registration of Company / Organization for Procurement" (Only Japanese version is available.)

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